Christmas is upon us and I do not know about you, but it it has all come so fast! I just want to slow down and have an extended stay in my own version of the North Pole. Holiday music, baking, Christmas movies and the anticipation of beautifully wrapped packages being opened by excited little ones. I can’t wait to see the look on their faces! During our last couple of days leading up to Christmas, I felt the need to keep the magic going and to be sure we tap into all things merry. I love the phrase “Merry and Bright.” It makes me think of all things Christmas. When I looked up the word merry, the definition was cheerful and lively, characterized by festivity and rejoicing. The definition of bright is reflecting a lot of light or shining. I wanted to just take a day and try to fill it with all things merry and bright, so I thought about what makes me cheerful, lively and what puts me in a particularly festive mood.
One thing I love to do is travel and I also love to see places beautifully decorated at Christmas. On my trip to Italy several years ago, I got to do both. We left just before Thanksgiving for a 10-day trip, so we were there at the beginning of December as they were getting ready for Christmas. I am quite sure Italy is beautiful all year round but during our trip, we got the benefit of some extra added sparkle. Rome, Venice, and Florence all lit up for the holidays was truly breathtaking. Since I am not able to travel the way I would want to with all that is going on, I got out my pictures and went through them to do some reminiscing. I thought I would share some of these merry memories. Below is a picture I took of the Christmas tree they put up next to the Duomo in Florence.

I also found a picture of the street where I purchased my favorite ornament in Venice.

I have always loved history. I studied the Classics and Latin in college so I have read and learned about the history of Rome for a long time, but seeing Rome in person? The Roman Forum, St. Peter’s Basilica, the Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps, and the Colosseum? There are no words that sufficienty describe that experience.

Another thing that I love of course, is doing fun things with my boys. As a mom, I feel the need to just be silly with them every once in a while. It is good for all of us. Hearing my boys laugh just makes everything better. In an effort to get some silly holiday fun going for our merry and bright day, I sat them down and asked what they would like to do and then added some of my own ideas too.
First, Wood and I made up our own “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” with a Star Wars theme. It is completely silly but we did it and it was fun. We are going to keep practicing and possibly make a video. Given Wood’s tendency to want everything to be perfect, we likely will have to keep shooting until we have something that George Lucas himself would be proud of. I am sharing ourJedi jingle in case you want to get in on the fun too. There was some arguing too because with only 12 days and so much Star Wars awesomeness, how do you decide what to include? Ultimately, it is his song though, so I let him write it. Enjoy!

Graham said he wanted to have us make him into a Christmas tree and decorate him. I loved this idea. We drew and cut out some simple ornaments and even made him an angel headband for the top of our Graham-tree. There were two different versions. One using an adult long sleeve shirt with straight pins to attach the ornaments and the other using green packing saran wrap. For this version we simply taped the ornaments. It kind of morphed into a game as he thought it was funny to run away so we had to catch him in order to decorate him. Then he just thought it was fun to run around while he was wrapped up trying to wriggle free. My very own runaway tree. I think I prefer version two. He had more fun and there was zero chance I would stick him with a pin.

Another idea I had that was super easy to create was snowman bowling. You can make snowmen pins by drawing a face on Styrofoam cups, then line them up and grab a ‘snowball,’ to knock them down. Our plush little soccer ball played the part of our snowball.

In keeping with the bright part of our theme, I decided to draw some lights and have the boys use their thumbprints as the light bulbs. I had them each choose two colors. I drew the string of lights and put some paint on a paper plate and they each took a turn making their light bulbs. I wrote their name in the colors they chose and the year so I will remember which thumbprints belong to which child.

I mentioned earlier that I like to look at other deocrations and Christmas lights are a big part of that. I love to drive around and see the houses and yards all lit up but our town square is particularly festive. The courthouse is all decorated and the outline of the buildings is framed in lights. My favorite are the shorter trees grouped at every corner. They have the big retro colored lights that put out a soft glow. Just another one of my merry must-haves.

Yes, I am at my merriest doing the things I love most. In thinking about all that we celebrate at Christmas, the words, “Merry and Bright,” are perfectly joined together.
John 8: 12 says,
“When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
We are able to shine and reflect light only because of his abounding love, amazing grace, and unimaginable mercy. That is the greatest reason of all to be cheerful and rejoice.
We can be bright because we are merry, and we are merry because Immanuel.
May your days be, “Merry and Bright.”
Stay tuned for more of the 12 Days of Christmas!